300 Lbs Review
I am a big guy. 6 ft 0 inch and 300 lbs. I lived a sedentary life for over 15 years and worked at a high stressful job. I usually never have enough energy, or either I am just mentally drained by the end of the day, I just lay down and then game later and do it all over again the following day. To say this bike made me feel like I got a grip back on life is an understatement. I have had it for over a month now and nearly put 100 miles. Here are just some of my experiences thus far.
Delivery: 3.5 / 5
- The box came a little beat up and some of the parts of the bike were bent.
- There was some screws and bolts missing for the front wheel cover but so far, I haven't found the need for it.
- The Display was not showing for a day or two. I checked the pins to make sure they were aligned, and they were. One day it just turned on and haven't had an issue with it yet.
Riding Experience - 4.5 / 5
- I am a big guy... So, when I ride my seat usually smushes the taillight with the rear cover wheel. Obviously if I was not soo big, this would not be an issue BUT it would probably be best if the design for the rear taillight was attached behind the rear seat to avoid this issue. This would fix the issue of accidently smushing the rear taillight when I go over a bump on the road or go over uneven sidewalks.
- NOW, I know most people are wondering.... and yes... I do manage to hit 45 mph, even up to 50 mph on the bike. This baby has enough juice and power, and it has not failed me…